Useful Links

Useful Links

Canada Hill


 All parents/guardians are invited to join FCH.

The Committee meets a couple of times each term to organise fun events to raise funds for the school. We are always pleased to welcome new members. It’s great way to meet some new friends and get to see a different side to your child’s school.

Cannot commit to the committee? We’d still love your help.

Perhaps you could;

  • Help us think of creative ways to fundraise
  • Donate and/or source raffle prizes
  • Introduce others to our school lottery

You may have other ideas, talents you can offer or connections to companies that can help with prizes or events. We would love to hear from you!

What we have raised funds for?

The money we raise much needed extra funds to make your child’s time at Canada Hill Primary even more special.

Over the past 4 years your generous contributions have been used to donate:

£4000 to fund the school minibus (yearly)

£10 000 for books for school library

£10 000 for the new timber trail

£16 000 on iPads

All help and contributions are truly welcomed, no matter how small. It’s a great

way to meet some new friends and get to see a different side to your child’s school.

Here are some other ways you can contribute.


Shop via Easy Fundraising

All you have to do is do your online shopping via Easyfundraising – supermarkets and many online

retailers give FCH a percentage of your spend.

No additional cost to you, but benefits the school.

Sign up to our school lottery

Visit and search for Canada Hill to sign up.


Use one of the following companies for your school labels:


Use the School ID code & we will receive 20% back from Easy2Name.



We receive 20% on orders.


Follow us to find out about our current fundraising venture



If you would like to join our next virtual meeting or have something

you’d like to share with us please contact us


Thank you for your continued support
