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Canada Hill


Geography is often a key driver for a term or half term topic. Our Geography teaching is enquiry based and wherever possible it is child led. This ensures that the children are truly motivated because the journey is theirs. Geography underpins a lifelong 'conversation' about the earth as the home of humankind. Geography can nourish and enrich a whole lifetime of learning. Our teachers want students to engage with the subject, to see its relevance to their lives and the way that it helps explain, inspire and address their curiosity about the earth. We want children to think about themselves in the world, and get a sense of the global, interdependent community in which we live. They want students to think geographically and use the language, vocabulary and grammar of geography with confidence. They want them to investigate and explore geography by asking questions and thinking critically about real life issues. Along the way, teachers focus on teaching the transferrable enquiry skills that allow the children to ask and answer relevant geographical questions. There are inevitably facts that need to be taught and remembered along the way and so we directly teach the children these facts so that they can use the newly gained knowledge to help them frame new questions. We start with their own experiences, and use everyone’s interest and enthusiasm to take them somewhere and allow them to go further, to new places and ideas.