Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is central to the development of all children. At Canada Hill Primary School the PSHE curriculum is designed to equip the children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they require, in order to become thoughtful, confident and independent citizens, who are able to make safe and healthy choices. We recognise that the children will bring prior knowledge and diverse “real life” experiences to their learning. Our curriculum respects and builds on these experiences and reflects both the universal and unique needs of our children.
PSHE is taught within a safe and supportive learning environment, where the children can develop the confidence to ask questions, contribute their own experiences, explore different views and opinions, and apply their learning in “real” situations.
PSHE is taught regularly and focuses on three key areas: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. As part of their learning in health and well being, the children will discuss ways in which they are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and the pressures they may face to behave in an unhealthy way, including the use of drugs. When learning about relationships, the children will be encouraged to identify the key components of positive, healthy friendships and understand ways in which conflicts can be calmly resolved. They will be encouraged to explore and understand their emotions and recognise the impact their behaviour may have on others. Sex education will also be taught within this area. As part of their learning about the wider world, the children will be encouraged to become active and responsible members of the school community. They will also have opportunities to engage in local community and national events.
The learning provided by the PSHE programme, supports and is supported by other curriculum areas, including Literacy, Religious Education, Science and Outdoor Education.