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Canada Hill

Home School Agreement

This Home School Agreement explains the school’s aims and values; our responsibilities towards our pupils; the responsibility of each parent/carer and what we expect from each pupil. The agreement is a commitment by the staff and governors of Canada Hill, the parents and carers of our children, and the children themselves to work together towards these aims and responsibilities.

Our school values that we will promote with your children


Our pupils enjoy coming to school; they feel safe, secure and have a sense of belonging to our Canada Hill School Family. We develop in our young people a sense of the importance of balance between the intellectual, physical and emotional needs in their lives.


Our pupils take responsibility for their own actions with respect to themselves, their interactions with the school and the wider community, and the local and global environment. They are encouraged to take on areas of responsibility and leadership opportunities throughout the school. Our pupils act with integrity and understand the importance of making balanced, reasoned and ethical decisions throughout their lives.


We teach our pupils the importance of having an inquisitive and enquiring mind. They enjoy using critical and creative thinking when examining complex problems and enjoy working both independently and within teams. Our pupils have a love of learning which continues throughout their lives.


Our pupils reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in order to continue to grow and develop as individuals both academically and personally. They learn from their own experiences, actions and mistakes, and from those of other people and society in general.


Our pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves to step beyond their comfort zone and be all that they can be. They understand that the greatest rewards do not come from taking the safe or easy route. With support they understand that challenge or failure is not something to be afraid of - it is an opportunity from which to learn and grow.


Our pupils understand the importance of empathy, compassion, tolerance and respect. They value the importance of understanding other people, other cultures and the natural environment and they are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around them.


Our pupils understand the correlation between hard work, determination, commitment and reward. They demonstrate these qualities in both their academic and personal lives and they continue to persevere in the face of challenge or adversity. In addition, our pupils understand the importance of honouring the commitments they have made.

Attendance and Punctuality

The school will:

1. Maintain accurate records of attendance.

2. Advise parents / carers as soon as possible if the school has to be closed due to an emergency or bad weather.

As a parent/carer you will:

1. Ensure that your child attends school regularly and that absences are properly notified by contacting the school office before the start of the school day.

2. Ensure that your child arrives at school on time, and is collected promptly at the end of the school day.


The school will:

1. Make sure the children understand the school rules.

2. Encourage all children to do their best and be polite and well behaved.

3. Encourage all children to take care of their surroundings and belongings.

As a parent/carer you will:

1. Encourage your child to be polite and well-behaved towards others.

2. Support the school policies and guidance on behaviour and bullying.

3. Encourage your child to behave respectfully on line.


The school will:

1. Set appropriate homework and ensure it is marked consistently, in line with our homework policy.

As a parent/carer you will:

1. Support your child with their homework, including reading with them at least 4 times a week, recording this in their reading diary.

2. Promote opportunities for home learning wherever possible.

3. Try to ensure that your child has access to an internet connected computer / tablet with an electronic mouse, either at home or at the library.


The school will:

1. Give all children access to our adventurous and exciting curriculum, including the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum. The curriculum will meet the needs of your individual child.

2. Provide a range of extra-curricular activities designed to enrich your child’s experiences and learning.

3. Ensure that staff keep up to date on new educational developments and initiatives.

As a parent/carer you will:

1. Attend curriculum workshops, discussions and termly parent consultations/evenings about your child’s well-being and progress at school.

2. Read information provided from the school about the curriculum in newsletters and curriculum booklets, etc.

3. Ensure that your child wears clearly named school uniform. And that they have their named PE kit and book bag in school every day.

Welfare and Communication

The school will:

1. Look after your child’s physical, social and spiritual well being at all times, and foster feelings of confidence, self-worth and belonging in your child.

2. Actively welcome you and all parents / into the life of the school.

3. Ensure that teaching staff are available by mutual agreement to discuss any concerns you might have about your child’s progress or well being.

4. Inform you about your child’s progress on a regular basis, and provide an annual written report with a follow up parents’ evening.

5. Administer medicines to your child, if we are given written permission.

6. Work collaboratively with our Governing Body.

7. Keep all children and adults safe, and work in line with our Safeguarding Policy.

As a parent / carer, you will:

1. Support the school’s aims.

2. Come straight to your child’s class teacher to share any concerns or worries that you may have.

3. Get involved in the work of the school, if at all possible, by supporting fundraising with FCH and by volunteering to help with school activities (eg: trips, reading in school, etc).

4. Try to ensure that your child goes to bed at a reasonable time on weekdays.

5. Provide your child with a daily healthy snack or money to buy one. 6. Ensure the school always has an up to date emergency contact name and number.

7. Ensure that you provide your child with suitable clothes for Forest School or other pre-planned activities, when appropriate, all of which must be clearly named.

8. Be respectful of the School, other parents and school staff, when using social media and encourage your child to develop a good on-line reputation.

9. Support the school by encouraging any on-line activities and gaming at home to be age appropriate and respectful of others.

Children will

1. Come to school enthusiastic and ready to learn.

2. Always remember to be polite and thoughtful towards others.

3. Respect their own and everybody else’s right to enjoy school by following our class and school rules.