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Canada Hill


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Ogwell Pre School, a fun, friendly and stimulating learning environment

Ogwell Pre School is a registered charity managed by a Committee which is essential to keep the Pre School open. 

This is made up of staff, parents, carers and people from the community. The Pre School is situated in the Memorial Hall in the heart of East Ogwell.  We are on country bus route 175, and there is parking outside the village hall.  The building has a main hall, middle and back rooms, toilets, a kitchen and a small outside yard. When not is use by the Pre School the Memorial Hall is used by the community. 

The Natural Park will soon be open and is going to be such a huge asset to the Pre School.  With its close location on the village green, beautiful setting, interesting features in a secure and clean area, it will provide the children with much needed outside stimulation. 

Opening Times

Monday - Friday: 9:15am to 11:45am

Lunch club, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday& Friday: 11:45am to 1:15pm

The Pre School is closed on bank and school holidays.

Fee Structure

We charge £3.00 per hour, for which you are billed at the beginning of each term.  The term after your childs 3rd birthday, you are entitled to 195 hours per term free to attend and Pre School or Nursery.

Charity No. 1022438